Proven Advocates. Shared Success.

At Mandel Bhandari, we prepare for your trial from day one. When you retain us, we immediately develop a trial plan tailored to your case, identifying from the outset what issues will be decisive in your dispute. We focus hard on the evidence and rulings that we will need to win—and by staying focused, we minimize your legal costs.
Some attorneys see litigation as an end in itself, and get lost in gathering documents and writing letters. Some attorneys feel trials are unpredictable and inconvenient, and get caught up in tactics of avoidance and postponement. But at Mandel Bhandari, we don’t get distracted. We know that the way to achieve the best outcome for you is to be ready for your day in court.
Our approach only works when every member of your legal team has the experience needed to try and win your case. That is why virtually all of our lawyers have at least ten years of experience litigating business disputes. Since the firm was founded in 2009, we have tried twenty cases. This breadth and depth of experience means that only one or two lawyers work on any given task, and that the task is completed in a fraction of the time and cost that would take a group of inexperienced lawyers to complete.
Experience, however, is not enough. Lawyers, like most people, are most effective when they love their work. And we love to try cases. We love arguing a case to the jury; we love appearing before a judge. Our passion for what we do is not lost on our clients, our adversaries, or the judges and juries before whom we appear. And it makes a difference in the outcomes that we achieve.
We don’t like to be paid by the hour. We prefer to be paid more when we achieve good outcomes and paid less when we don’t. When we represent plaintiffs, we prefer contingency fee arrangements, or blended fees based partly on the outcome obtained and partly on the hours spent on the case. When we represent defendants, we favor success fee arrangements, with our compensation tied to the outcome of the case.
Because our compensation depends upon the results we achieve, we make sure that every hour counts. The compensation of all of our attorneys—not just partners—depends on the results that we achieve as opposed to the number of hours that are billed.

80 Pine St, 33rd Floor
New York, NY 10033